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Sunday, February 16, 2014

All about P.E.E.L.

Hello world we are P.E.E.L. which stands for the First letters of our names, but for protection purposes won't say it. For our first blog we will give an introduction of who we are...

Here's our introductions... So far this is only an introduction of Death Scourge, the Ace of Spades, and Orion Constellation but part two will include one other member...

    1. I, Death Scourge, am a member and designer of this blog, P.E.E.L . People may think of me as a harmless “kitten” but “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, they say. Don’t get me annoyed, you’ll end up in a bunch of scratches and bites; you may not want to touch me ever again but everything has a positive side. I am a book cat; I love reading books especially “Warriors”, I play outside a lot, think of others when they are down, (gif source)never told a secret and I am approachable. When I first heard about the blog I didn't want to (gif source)do it, sounded really boring to me, but I thought of what speechless things we could put in it, especially, the designs.
    2. I the Ace of Spades also a member and designer of P.E.E.L. am a very sporty guy who LOVES to play: Basketball, Soccer, Archery, Biking, and Table Tennis above all. I also like Math, Science, and creating things out of scrap such as a pen crossbow, and a smoke bomb. But one thing I really enjoy doing is... CARDS!!! obviously stated by my name "the Ace of Spades". I love playing card games (gif source)learning new card tricks and learning more about cards.
    3. I am Orion Constellation, another member and designer of this blog, P.E.E.L. People call me "short, but terrible". I am short, but I can do things no one else can do. I can(gif source)run faster than other people in basketball, I can dodge a ball in dodgeball, and I can hide inside a box during Hide n' Seek. I love playing Basketball, playing Minecraft, and Hide n' Seek ;). 
    4. One of our group member's was not able to contact us vice versa. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The Purpose we made this blog was to creatively express what is happening in our lives and to tell a story of a group of 4 students currently going through the last quarter of the sixth grade. We hope that you would enjoy our future blogs... till the next blog!!!


  1. Hi P.E.E.L.! Here is your score for your very first blog entry:

    Content - 10/15
    Coherence - 4/5
    Creativity - 4/5
    Voice - 4/5
    Mechanics - 2/5
    Text Layout - 3/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 4/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 5/5
    Late Submission - (-1 point)

    TOTAL: 35/50

    Interesting write-ups you have here P.E.E.L. However, my eyes are very keen to text formatting. You've missed a lot of formatting standards (not enough spacing, the gif sources are all over the place, etc.). Please try to preview your post first before you publish them. I hope to see an improvement in your next post!
